Flavonoids May Aid Tumescent Member
Flavonoids May Aid Tumescent Member Health,Fitness Possession of a sturdy and tumescent member is a point of pride for many men, as well as one indication of good member health. Certainly, a properly functioning tumescent manhood is necessary for most sensual encounters. Yet tumescence dysfunction can be a problem for quite a few men. There are a number of strategies to help fight a dysfunctional state for a tumescent male organ. One some men might want to consider is an increased consumption of flavonoids in their diets. Is dysfunction really a problem? Among younger men and especially among men for whom obtaining or maintaining a tumescent member is no problem, there may be some skepticism as to how big a problem tumescence dysfunction is; equally, they may assume that if it is not currently a problem for them, why should they worry about it? In fact, as many as 10% of men below the age of 40 do experience issues with serious tumescence function. That figure rises to 35% ...